Sunday, January 6, 2013

Going Vegan...


    Hello all! It's been so long since I've been on here. I am excited to share that I have recently decided to become a vegan indefinitely. So I will be sharing some of my experimental recipes on here. So far I have made vegan pancakes, I have tried tofurky and next week I plan on trying out some new recipes with tofu which I can't wait to share with you all. One of the reasons I have made this decision is because I feel very strongly about cruelty to animals and the chemicals we consume that is put into our food. We do have a choice of what we put in our bodies on a daily basis and its up to us to take charge of our health! I believe that there was a time when we were intended to eat animals, before the time of cloning and mass slaughtering , back when family farms raised grass fed cows and put them down humanely and fed them to their families and their communities. Times have changed and things are not done the way they should be. It's hard to believe that the ground beef you pick up at your local grocery store contains the meat 10,000 cows and has been made from cows who were fed cow and treated as machines and not living beings. We are facing a big problem and its up to us to take charge of what we consume, and it starts with knowing our food. What about purchasing your meat from your local farmer and your produce at the farmers market? I'm hoping to get some information out there and help people see that what we eat not only effects our health but our community. I'd much rather support the neighbor up the road than the billion dollar company Walmart, wouldn't you?

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